Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday 4 November 2024, 10:00am - Start video at 0:16:22 - Sheffield City Council Webcasting
Licensing Sub-Committee
Monday, 4th November 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Cllr David Barker
Democratic Services
Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr David Barker
Agenda item :
3 Exclusion of Public and Press
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Talib Hussain
Cllr David Barker
Samantha Bond
Jayne Gough
Democratic Services
Cllr David Barker
Agenda item :
5 Licensing Act 2003: Byards Leap (E and A Premier), 51 Daresbury Drive, Sheffield, S2 2BJ
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Cllr David Barker
Samantha Bond
Cllr David Barker
Jayne Gough
Democratic Services
Jayne Gough
Jayne Gough
Cllr David Barker
Jayne Gough
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Cllr Brian Holmshaw
Cllr Talib Hussain
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Samantha Bond
Samantha Bond
Samantha Bond
Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Cllr Talib Hussain
Cllr Talib Hussain
Cllr David Barker
Jayne Gough
Cllr David Barker
Agenda item :
5 Licensing Act 2003: Byards Leap (E and A Premier), 51 Daresbury Drive, Sheffield, S2 2BJ
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Cllr David Barker
Cllr David Barker
Samantha Bond
Webcast Finished